The Passover celebrated each Spring by our Jewish friends goes back some 3510 years ago while suffering slavery in Egypt. The Lord brought a judgement that caused the Egyptians to release the Israelite (Jewish) people with such a great feeling that the Egyptians gave them great riches in animals and treasures of all kinds. It is called Passover because the Lord passed over the dwellings of those who followed His promise to escape the death of the first born by posting blood of a lamb or goat on the date, the fourteenth of Nissan. on the posts and over the door of their dwellings. The Jews did . The Egyptians did not and suffered the death of the first born in every dwelling. See Exod.12:5-14.
While the high priest in Judea over 1500 years later plunged the knife into Israel’s sacrificial lamb for them to eat the Passover, The Roman soldiers pounded nails into the hands and feet of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who surrendered Himself as God’s sacrificial Lamb in substitute for us, who believing in Him, find He passes over us in the judgement of eternal death we deserve for our transgressions. Christ crucified is our Passover. Risen, our guide and empowering Lord.