About sheep and pigs.
The Bible plainly says one who willfully practices known sin does not know God. Why? Because God’s Seed remains in the believer. The new nature of one born again hates sin and loves holiness (1John. 3:8-9).
When I was a young man, I lived on a ranch in north-western Nebraska. There was a beautiful green meadow, Paramount Valley Ranch, where my grandfather and my father lived and ranched: cattle, horses and sheep. Hogs, a few, were kept for meat. When it rained, temporary shallow puddles of water abounded in the green meadow. They were almost invisible because they covered lush green grass.
Sheep fed and ran in the meadow and sometimes they would run into the water when coming in, but they would never stop there. Not so pigs. They loved nothing better, if they could get loose from their pen, than to wallow and tear up the grass in these puddles and wallow in the mire. The Bible compares saved people to sheep , “So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture…”(Psalm. 79:13). The Bible compares religious people who have never been born again to pigs: “Turned… again…the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire” (2Pet.2:22). Of course, the “mire” represents known sin; the pigs in a pen represent an unbeliever under the law.
Thank God, Jesus is come “to seek and to save that which was lost”.