It happened In the garden of Paradise. “And the LORD God called unto Adam. and said unto him, Where art thou?” Adam replied, ” I Heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself” (Gen. 3:9-10). Notice the Scripture’s use of the name LORD. It is not until after the creation of man that the Name LORD (Jehovah) appears in Scripture. To the Christian the appearance to Adam is Jesus the Son of God, taking, as he did on several, occasions human form in shadow prophesy of the future incarnation when He was born of Mary the blessed virgin. Jehovah means: IAM – the ever present all powerful One. Jesus said, ” Before Abraham was I AM” ( John 8:58).
Now, as he called the first man, Adam, so He now may call people on the way to giving them salvation by repentance and faith. The question made to one who is away from God is a convicting one. In truth, as it relates to our relationship to God, Where art thou?